Saturday 27 February 2010

Bands Logo

When creating a houe style for my band i experimented on a few different fonts, i style wanted a minimalistic, quirky, but fun style for my digipak. 'Green Pillow(1) and Jane Austen(2)' are two fonts which i liked the most. and althogh they are contrasting font styles i still think that they worked together.

Thursday 25 February 2010


This mood board shows some ideas of how i intend my Digipak to look like, the 'smashing egg' pictured in the middle is the randomness which i want my images to have. The simpleness of 'Lady GaGa's' face is also an influence of mine which i want to achieve, as it is simple yet affective.

Below are a few images which i edited in Photoshop, by clicking on the pictures you can view the full slide, in which i explain how i edit the pictures. My favorite image which i edited is on the left of the right hand page, when creating my digipak this image willl be the style that i willl base my final on.

This image, which i edited is the kind of image that i want on the front of my digipak, it's a quick draft, i will obviously develop this further for my final piece.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Influences for my music video

This video by Just Jack is very visual, and literal, and has the kind of quirkyness that i wanted to achieve with my video. The way that the spoken word appears in an image is a theme which i have used within the drafting and storyboarding of my video.